Pioneers of St. Clair County, Michigan - Person Sheet
Birthabt 1848, Ireland558
• 1870 Census: Vallejo, Solano, California. Age 22, b Ireland. Name written clearly as “Mora.” Married this year in May. Both parents of foreign birth.
Immigration1853555 Age: 7
Occupationsaloon keeper555
Individual Notes
• Mr. Wilson is our worthy constable and business man...
• 1870 Census: Vallejo, Solano, California. Age 25, b Ireland. Bar Keeper. Both parents of foreign birth.
558• 1880 Census: Vallejo, Solano, California. Age 40, b Ireland. Single. Divorced. Retail Liquor Dealer. Parents b England. Enumerated as Harry Wilson. Living as boarder in household of J. John White.
559• 1900 Census: Vallejo, Solano, California. Age 60, Mar 1840, Ireland. Parents b England. Saloon keeper. Immigrated 1853.
ChildrenMay (1871-1937)
Harry C. (1872-<1923)