• Josiah Gorham was born in Yarmouth, Mass., 2 December 1692, the son of Joseph and Sarah (Sturgis) Gorham. He died in Yarmouth 1 or 2 April 1775, in his 83rd year and was buried in the Ancient Cemetery there.
Josiah married first, perhaps in Rhode Island before July 1717, a wife named Sarah, whose parentage has not been determined. She died in Yarmouth 2 February 1719/20.
Josiah married second, in Yarmouth 15 March 1721/2 (intentions 21 February 1721) Priscilla Sears, who was born in Yarmouth 1 July 1701 and baptized in Harwich 2 May 1708, the daughter of Capt. Joseph and Hannah (Hall) Sears. Priscilla died in Yarmouth 3 April 1760.
Josiah Gorham of Yarmouth, yeoman, in his will dated 17 January 1772, and probated 15 April 1775, gave his dwelling house and land to his son, David Gorham, who was to pay his half-sister, Rebecca Brown, forty shillings within one year.
2410, pp 101-2