Pioneers of St. Clair County, Michigan - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth LOTHROP
Deathabt 1690 Age: 40
BirthNew London?, New London, Connecticut2585
Individual Notes
• Among the first planters in Wallingford was 1
Isaac, and 2d
Nehemiah Royce, who made their appearance in the place in 1671; 3
Nathaniel, 4
Samuel, 5
Joseph, and 6
Robert Royce, were also there soon after, all of whom had families, and are believed to be sons of Robert Royce who was at Stratford in 1644.
2838, p 890• Nehemiah, Samuel, Nathaniel and Isaac Royce, all removed with their families to Wallingford, a township that had been recently set off from New Haven, and previously called New Haven village.
2501, p 294