• aka Andres Degelmann.
2953• aka Andreas Degelmann.
2963,2964• Arrived 22 Mar 1887 from Bavaria aboard Rugia from Hamburg.
2955• George Schaeffer II recalled over the phone to Lori Schaeffer on Nov 9, 1998, that he had an obituary on Andrew Degelman. It stated the death date as Jan 6, 1948.
2965• George also deduced that because John Degelman was the first born of Andrew and Eva in 1896, that they were likely married abt 1895, in the United States.
2965• Per Pem/Donald’s recollections:
2966, p 3 & p 5Volunteer fireman in Secaucus
He has 7 siblings
His father (Andrew Sr.) brought them to the U.S. from Bavaria so Andrew Jr. wouldn’t have to join the German Army.
He ran for mayor of Secaucus.
Owned a grocery store, Degelman’s, on Center Ave. Pem lived about two lots away.
He lived above his store, which was a classic corner store with a pickle barrel, and candy cases.
• George claims that another cousin, (in his 90’s I think), had found out that Grandpa Degelman (Andrew) was born in America, not Germany, as we thought. The day after his mother arrived, she delivered him. It would be in either Hoboken or Jersey City (Hudson county). I have papers to disprove this however...so, the saga continues.
2967• My name is Ray Cieciuch. I am the Chief of the Secaucus Fire Department. I have been able to get some information for you regarding your Great Grandfather Andrew Degleman.
Your Great Grandfather was admitted into the New Jersey State Firemen's Assoc. July 1910 (that would be around the same time he was accepted as a member of the Secaucus Fire Dept.). His firehouse was formerly known as Clarendon Hook & Ladder (it is now named Clarendon Tower 2) which is located at 746 7th Street, Secaucus, NJ and the phone number is 201-330-2073. Your Great Grandfather was a member there from July 1910 to June of 1921. He became an exempt member of the Secaucus Fire Department in January of 1922. Our records indicate that a member of the family filed for a death claim through the association around January 27th 1948 and the current Vice President George Heflich believes it was around $300. I passed a copy of your email on to Lieutenant Fred Schnieder so he can do some more research directly out of that firehouse.
2968• For many years Mr Degelmann has conducted a grocery store at Sixth and Centre avenue, Secaucus. He is a former councilman, and presently a member of the Sinking Fund Commission of the town.
• 1900 Census: Secaucus, Hudson, New Jersey. Age 23, b Nov 1873, Germany. Grocer & butcher. Parents b Germany.
2969• 1910 Census: Secaucus, Hudson, New Jersey. Age 37, b Germany. Merchant; Grocer. Parents b Germany.
2957• 1920 Census: Secaucus, Hudson, New Jersey. Age 46, b Germany. Butcher. Parents b Germany.
2959• 1930 Census: Secaucus, Hudson, New Jersey. Age 56, b Germany. Grocer.
2956• 1940 Census: Secaucus, Hudson, New Jersey. Age 66, b Germany. Salesman, Retail Grocery Store.