• Age 19 at marriage.
2816• Apparently Katie had 8 children, 4 of whom were living in 1900.
2817, p 2• While in Md last month, I found Katherine Madden's death record and then realized I already had it. Anyhow, looking at the cert on the microfiche allowed me to see it a bit more clearly. I've got it here in my hand now and while you had previously thought it said her mother's maiden name was Kaufman, I read it on microfiche more like Kneisman. This may be helpful as we begin to look at other things.....
2818• Informant on the DC of her husband.
• 1870 Census: Baltimore City, Maryland. Age 5, b MD. Listed as Kate.
2819,2820, p 2• 1880 Census: Baltimore City, Maryland. Age 15, b MD. Father b Poland; mother b Bavaria. Works in Cigarette Factory. Listed as Katie.
2821• 1900 Census: Baltimore City, Maryland. Age 35, b Feb 1865, MD. Mother of 8 children, 4 living. Parents b MD.
2813• 1910 Census: Baltimore City, Maryland. Age 45, b MD. Widow. Head of household. Own Income. Parents b Germany. Mother of 9 children, 5 living.
2822• 1920 Census: Baltimore City, Maryland. Age 55, b MD. Widow. Head of household. Parents b MD.
2823• 1930 Census: Baltimore City, Maryland. Age 65, b MD. Widow. Head of household. Parents b MD.
2824• 1940 Census: Baltimore City, Maryland. Age 75, b MD. Widow. Living in household of son, Edward.