• Not included in Eckart genealogy,
23 but included in Walter notes.
516• Brother of Mary.
518• Was killed in the U. S. Army [NB: the Civil War ended in April, 1865].
2025• Lena, Illinois, September 23rd, 1864
Provost Marshal
Dear Sir, I have just received a letter from my brother Miles O’Brien and enclosed I found a letter enclosed to my brother James, which I took the liberty to read, from its perusal? I find he is in some serious trouble the cause non-particulated? I cannot understand, as in his letter to me he said nothing about his trouble.
Will you have the kindness to tell me what crime he is guilty of, as I do not know to whom else I can apply. Oh! I feel so wretched and anxious and hardly know what to do.
Poor misguided boy: left an orphan at the age of 7 years without none to care, or watch over him and when I think of the training he must have received from those people that had him I cannot wonder that his habits are not what they should be.
It is ten years since he came to see me, and bade me goodbye and said, “I am going to Kansas, and when I am well? I am coming to see you.”
I have never heard from him since till last fall, he wrote me a few lines, I was so glad for and then thought, I could write to him and try to influence him in the right path, by my letter never reached him, and when I again heard from him, it was from the Guard House, and it is too bad! I do sincerely hope his crime is not so serious as I fear it is.
I have one brother who has been in the service ever since the war broke out, and another came home to die last summer and we laid him by the side of his parents.
My husband is in Vicksburg Miss. in the Provost Marshall’s office so you see I am alone, and do not know what to do. I fear you will think me troublesome, but I cannot help it I must ask from some one’s help.
Do please write to me immediately, and help my brother if you can, poor erring fellow.
Hoping to hear from you very soon, I remain yours truly,
Elizabeth B. Hay