• 1830 Census: Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont. Under 5.
3215• 1840 Census: Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont. Age 10-15. 0010001/011101.
3216• 1850 Census: Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont. Age 23.
3214• 1860 Census: Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont. Age 33, b VT. Listed as Emaline Carpenter. Living in household of father, Harry.
3214,3218• 1870 Census: Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont. Age given as 35, should be 43, b VT. Living in household of father, Harry.
FatherJohn CARPENTER (-~1863)
MotherPolly DERBY (-1888)
Individual Notes
• ...until the latter part of September 1858 when he without any proper cause willfully deserted her and went to parts unknown out of the state of Vermont and has so remained ever Since.
3918, p 2• To: Darwin J. Carpenter
Greetings. In consideration of the facts Stated in the foregoing libel you are hereby Strictly enjoined and [..tained] from Selling disposing of or in any way incumbring your interest in the property real & personal described in the foregoing libel or any other right or interest which you may have in the Estate of John Carpenter late of Huntington deceased during the pending of Said libel or until the further ordering of Court under pain of being dealt with & [..............] if you violate that injunction.
Done at Burlington this 24th day of August 1863, Asahel Peck, Judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont
3918, p 4
• 1850 Census: Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont. Age 23.
3214• 1870 Census: Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont.
Marriage7 Jan 1847, Huntington, Chittenden, Vermont1573,3918, p 2
Marr Memoby Rev. William S. Hulbert
Div MemoEmaline granted divorce on grounds of willful desertion