Pioneers of St. Clair County, Michigan - Person Sheet
Birth28 Jun 1828, Kingston, Frontenac, Ontario, Canada1046, p 1
Removal30 Nov 1858, Marysville, St. Clair, Michigan1046, p 1 Age: 30
Memopurchased a farm 4 miles above St. Clair
Death14 Jan 1916, St. Clair, St. Clair, Michigan1046, p 1 Age: 87
Individual Notes
• In 1885, the trustees were Nelson Mills, John McCutcheon, etc.
1074, p 2,286, p 6• McCUTCHEON. –– By the death of John C. McCutcheon St. Clair Methodism has lost one of its oldest and most faithful members. Brother McCutcheon was born at Kingston, Ont., June 28, 1828 and died at St. Clair, January 14, 1916, in his eighty-eighth year. On September 26, 1856 he married miss Eliza J. Mitchell of Bowmanville, Ont. November 30, 1858 he came and purchased a farm four miles above St. Clair. Having cleared some of the land for a home he returned to Bowmanville for his wife. The two of them came to Sarnia on the first passenger train from London to that city. They were the only passengers. While living on the farm Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon were members of the Marysville church. On their removal to St. Clair they united with the St. Clair church. Mrs. McCutcheon died on September 29, 1910. To this worthy couple were born six children, one of whom died in early life. Five are alive and filling important places in the world. The last days of Brother McCutcheon were spent with his daughter, Mrs. Dwight Lathrop, of St. Clair who lovingly and tenderly smoothed his passage to the land of eternal day. The funeral was held in the church by Rev. S. Jennings. As a man Brother McCutcheon belonged to that class of pioneers who as men of peace leave behind them monuments which are lasting. In union with other men of like nature he gave us the great and growing state of Michigan. As a Christian he gave his life to the upbuilding of a church which today is found in every land and promises to mould forever the destinies of nations. He was faithful in his day and having served his generation fell asleep in Jesus.
1046, p 1
• 1880 Census: St. Clair, St. Clair, Michigan. Age 47, b Canada. Farmer. Parents b Canada.
Birthabt 1841, Canada1052
Individual Notes
• Surname based on presence of Willie Mitchell, nephew, in household of John McCutcheon.
• 1880 Census: St. Clair, St. Clair, Michigan. Age 39, b Canada. Parents b Canada.
Marriage26 Sep 1856, Bowmanville, Durham, Ontario, Canada1046, p 1
Family Notes
ChildrenHarriet (~1860-)
George (~1864-)
Lillie (~1866-)
Herbert (~1870-)