George Lawrence Passes Away In His Old Arm Chair
He is one of Springfield's Most Prominent Citizens–Short Sketch of his Life
George Lawrence was born 73 years ago July 9 next, in Montpelier, Vt. In 1853 he married Miss Sarah Vincent at the same place of his birth. Horace, aged 40, and Willis, aged 38, who now reside in California, were the only children of this union.
Mr. Lawrence came to Springfield 15 years ago and has accumulated much wealth. He was a member of the United States army in the Mexican war with Maj. William M. Weaver.
The funeral will be held this afternoon. Interment in Maple Park cemetery.
1994• Willis Lawrence, who killed himself and left a small fortune to distant relatives and friends, was the son of George Lawrence, well known in the city’s affairs 30 years ago. George Lawrence was a large man with long whiskers and a strong republican. He loaned money on farms and was once the victim of a rather smart swindle.
• 1860 Census: Rosendale, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Age 30, b VT. Farmer. $4000; $2300.
1997• 1870 Census: Springfield, Greene, Missouri. Age 45, b VT. Farmer. $5500; $1155.
Death1927, Springfield?, Greene, Missouri4253 Age: 96
BurialMaple Park Cemetery, Springfield, Greene, Missouri4253
Individual Notes
• Mrs. George Lawrence inherited the estate of her husband and resided in the West Walnut street home until she died about seven years ago. The cellar was full of water and Mrs. Lawrence fell into the water and lost her life. It was the second time that Mrs. Lawrence had fallen into the cellar. Sometime before she was drowned she fell into the cellar and broke her hip. It was thought she would die and the son, Willis, was sent for. He was engaged in mining in the west. He came to Springfield and remained until his mother recovered. he found that she had concealed bonds worth $20,000. He induced his mother to place the bonds in a safe deposit box. In those days Willis Lawrence was not in Springfield much.
1996• Shortly after Lawrence returned here [Springfield] to settle down after a life of wandering, his mother, Mrs. Sarah C. Lawrence fell and broke her shoulder. A neighbor, who came in to clean the house for her, found $30,000 in unregistered bonds in a dresser drawer. At his mother’s death in 1927, Lawrence inherited most of her $29,961.69 fortune.
• 1860 Census: Rosendale, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Age 29, b VT.
1997• 1870 Census: Springfield, Greene, Missouri. Age 39, b VT.
Marriage1853, Montpelier, Washington, Vermont1994
ChildrenHorace (~1854-1899)