• Marilyn Eleanor Sumner and Charles Hunter Elliott exchanged marriage vows Saturday evening in St. Joseph’s Episcopal church, Detroit.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Sumner, Bentler avenue, Detroit. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. John Hay, Jr. of Tucson, Arizona, formerly of Port Huron, and nephew of Miss Margaret Elliott, Huron avenue.
Mrs. Hay was unable to attend the ceremony.
The bride’s sister, Mrs. Sidney B. Ferris, was matron of honor...
Best man for his brother was James R. Elliott, Port Huron...
865• A quick dash to tell you how delighted I was today [May 1, 1998] to hear from you!
My family (Sumner) also enjoys our family history & recently chatted with a cousin in Az (Las Cruces).
I am leaving Fl in a week for my new (70 year old) summer home in Lexington, Mi 25 miles N of Port Huron.
At that time my sister, daughter Terry & her daughter (an addition) will lovingly complete our assignment!! So watch your mail in a month.
(I had a 25 yr. marriage to Charles Elliott – still good friends!)
• 1930 Census: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. Age 3/12ths, b MI. Parents b MI.