• “Julia married a man by the name of Dority [Daugherty] they live in Stillwater Michigan.”
1769, p 3[Stillwater is a village in Saratoga County, NY]
• Two years after the dedication at Buffalo she was married to my father, John Daugherty, and they removed to Penfield.
After six years sojourn in Penfield my parents returned to Buffalo, and mother became a member successively of the church worshipping in the building bought of the Presbyterians on their removal to Church Square.
She still attends the morning and evening service, with the class-meeting, on Sabbath, and the social meetings through the week with much interest and pleasure.
North Cohocton, N. Y.
• 1810 Census: Broome, Schoharie, New York.
1771• 1830 Census: Buffalo, Erie, New York. 111002/20002.
1748• 1840 Census: Buffalo, Erie, New York. 0010111/002011.
1749• 1850 Census: Buffalo, Erie, New York. Age 45, b NY.
1761• 1860 Census: Buffalo, Erie, New York. Age 54, b NY.
1762• 1870 Census: Cohocton, Steuben, New York. Age 66, b NY. Living in son-in-law Augustus Gilbert household.
1772• 1875 Census: Portland, Chautauqua, New York. Age 71, b Chautauqua. Wife in household of Benjamin F. Pecor. Enumerated as J. Pecor.
1773• 1880 Census: Portland, Chautauqua, New York. Age 74, b NY. Wife in household of Benjamin F. Pecor.