• Parents are Richard Fellows and Abigal Bacus. Richard born in Connecticut; Abigal born in ___?___, NY, possibly Brighton.
1822• Civil War Enlistment: 16 Sep 1864, Brockport, Monroe, New York
15th Regiment, Engineers.
1828• On or about Nov. 30, 1864 while at City Point, Va., I incurred lameness of right hip, caused by long and severe marching and other hardships incident to Army life.
I have suffered continuously since from the above mentioned disability and now claim a pension on same.
1829• 1890 Veterans’ Census: Date of Service, September, 1864-1865.
• “All of my children by my first wife.”
623• E. B. Fellows
Brockport, June 16–The death of E. B. Fellows, aged 90 years, occurred early this morning hat his home on Holley street. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served with Company M. Fifteenth New York Regiment of Volunteer Engineers. He is survived by his wife, one son, E. F. Fellows, of California, and one sister, Mrs. Kanous, of Phelps.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at the house, Rev. Mr. Olmstead of the Methodist Church officiating. Burial at Beach Ridge.
• 1830 Census: Parma, Monroe, New York. One of 2 males under 5.
1830• 1840 Census: Parma, Monroe, New York. One of 2 males 10-15.
1831• 1850 Census: Phelps, Ontario, New York. Age 22, b NY. Blacksmith. Living in household of Thomas Kennouse.
1832• 1860 Census: Brockport, Monroe, New York. Age 31, blacksmith. Living with Samantha, age 25; Ernest F., age 5; Willie, age 2.
625• 1870 Census: Brockport, Monroe, New York. Age 40, b NY. Blacksmith. $1000.
626• 1875 NY Census: Sweden, Monroe, New York. Age 45, b Monroe, NY. Head. Blacksmith.
627• 1880 Census: Brockport, Monroe, New York. Age 50, b NY. Deputy Sheriff. Samantha, age 46, wife; Abigal, mother. Parents b CT.
219• 1892 NY Census: 2nd Election District, Town of Sweden, Monroe County, NY. Age 58, teamster.
1833• 1900 Census: Brockport, Monroe, New York. Age 69, b Feb 1828, NY. Parents b CT.
1834• 1910 Census: Brockport, Monroe, New York. Age 80, b NY. Retired blacksmith. Parents b CT.