• Baptized as Johannes Matheus Walder, New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, Upper Hanover [Township], Montgomery County, Pa. Father’s name is Henrich Walder.
3366• 1799 Matthias appears with 110 + 16 acres of mountain land
1801 records show Adam, Henry and Matthias Walter, the latter having 121 acres
1810 Matthias Walter listed with 121 acres + 25 acres
1811 No Matthias Walter
1812 John Walter listed as “formerly Matthias”
3373• The whole family later moved to Elk Run Township, Columbiana county, Ohio in the early 1800s and lived there until the 1850s. They then moved on toward Iowa, settling in Clayton County, Iowa for a decade or so, then they moved on to Montana.
3374• It would appear that Matthias Walter moved in about 1810/12 to Elk Run Township, Columbiana County, Ohio and took his entire family. He lived the remainder of his life there and died August 23, 1854.
3369• About 1810 Mathias aka Johannes Matheus Walter left ARENDTSVILLE and settled in ELK RUN TOWNSHIP, COLUMBIANA COUNTY, OHIO, with his family and purchased _____ acres in section 26 Elk Run Township from Christian Bowman, Sr. on which he erected a log cabin and cleared his land for planting. Mathias lived in Elk Run Township until just a few years before his death on August 23, 1854. See Columbiana County Estate Record #4084 which was settled in 1860.
3375• Moving to Ohio at an early day he entered land which he reclaimed from the wilderness into a productive farm. Like most of the pioneers he was a poor man when he sought a new home in the wilds of the then new state of Ohio, but his labors were rewarded by ample returns. He served as a loyal and faithful soldier in the great contest of 1812. For this valuable services during that war, Mr. Walter received a land grant and a pension. For ten years he occupied the office of justice of the peace in Elk Run township, and was a fearless advocate of the principles of the republican party, at a time when those principles were very unpopular. He was a recognized leader of his party in the county, and although it was not his privilege to have the advantage of any scholastic training, yet, by constant association with good books and the periodicals of the times, he came to be a remarkably well-informed man on all of the leading questions of the day.
2261, p 397• Her [Sarah Walter] father came to Ohio in 1811, and bought land from Christian Bowman Sr., on which he erected a log cabin and cleared his land for the plow.
2261, p 376• From June, 1819 to June, 1820, the following tavern keepers took out licenses: Mathias Walter.
2264, p 51• DEED
Know all men by these presents that Christian Bowman and Sarah, his wife, of the County of Columbiana in the State of Ohio for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and Ninety-four Dollars and ninety-four cents to them in hand paid by Mathias Walter of the County and State aforesaid the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and themselves and therewith fully paid and satisfy Have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents we grant, bargain and sell to the said Mathies Walter his heirs and assigns all the following tract or parcel of land with its privileges and appurtenances lying and being in the County of Columbiana aforesaid and in the North West quarter of Section Number twenty-six in Township No. 11 Range No. Too which quarter section was granted and confirmed to the said Christian Bowman by patent under the hand of James Monroe, President and seal of the United States dated the twenty-first day of May, Ano Domini, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen.
The part hereby sold beginning at the northwest corner of said quarter section; thence with the section line South 9 chains to a post; thence East 18 chains and 66 links to a post; thence South 1 chain 70 links to a post; thence with land of Daniel Walter, East 8 chains 50 links...(etc.)
In Testimony of which the aforesaid Christian Bowman and Sarah his wife hereunto set their hands and seals the 26th day of February, 1825.
Sealed and delivered in presence of:
Mathew Cannon Christian Bowman
Daniel Walter Sarah Bowman
Dated February 26, 1825
Recorded March 9, 1825
Source: Transcription of Deed of Sale prepared by Mildred Walters O’Dell, received 4/9/93.
• Matthias Walter, of Adams Co., Pa. located on the northeast quarter of section 26 about 1810, and lived there until a few years before his death, in September, 1854. His son Henry settled on the northwest quarter of section 25, and both kept taverns many years. Matthias, another son, was a gunsmith by trade, and made many of the first rifles used by the settlers in these parts. Henry Walter was a soldier of 1812. Other sons were named Daniel, Jacob, and Solomon, and one of the two daughters married Christian Bowman, also a soldier of 1812, who came from York Co., Pa., in the spring of 1809, and settled on the southwest quarter of section 26, on the farm now occupied by his son Christian.
Death of a VeteranMATTHIAS WALTERS, one of the pioneers of Columbiana county died at this residence in Elk Run township, on the 23d, ultimo, in the 88th year of his age. The last time we conversed with the old veteran, he boasted of having voted for every Republican President our country has ever had. He was the noblest work of God – an honest man, and our county could never boast of a better citizen. We sincerely sympathize with the friends and relatives of the deceased in their bereavement.
3376• d 23 Aug 1854 ae 87y 6m 11d (stone is now broken and nearly illegible; inscription from Henry R. Baldwin records, copied 19 Jul 1911)
Estate of Matthias Walter deceasedBe it remembered that on the 12th day of September A.D. 1854. On motion, the Probate Court of Columbiana County Ohio appointed Henry Walter administrator of this estate. Bond required in the sum of $1400. Andrew Armstrong Jr. and Samuel W.__?__ are accepted as security. Jonathan Morris, Andrew Armstrong, Sr. and Henry Creaton are appointed appraisers of goods. Bond returned into court and letters be issued.
John Reed, Probate Judge.
Estate of Matthias Walter deceasedBe it remembered that on the 11th day of March A.D.1856, the administrator of said Estate filed in the Probate Court of Columbiana County Ohio his Petition and affidavit asking further time to collect & which said Petition & is in the words and figures following to wit, “Estate of Matthias Walter deceased. I Henry Walter Administrator of said Estate on affirmation say that I have used due diligence in trying to collect the assets of said Estate. That all the assets I have collected have been paid out for said Estate, except the sum of about $65.26. That there is several notes outstanding not yet collected among them a note of Christian Bowman for more than $200. including interest. which I have not put in suit as his mother is one of the heirs and I have felt unwilling to sue him thereon – whereupon I pray for one years extension of time to collect assets” Henry Walter
Affirmed to and subscribed before me March 11th AD 1856
Samuel W. Orr Notary Public
The court upon consideration thereof allow said Administrator the further time of one year to collect debts & to settle said estate.
James Martin Probate Judge
3372, pp 332-33•
Estate of Matthias Walter deceasedBe it remembered that heretofore to wit on the 11th day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six. Henry Walter,
Administrator of said Estate filed his first settlement account with said Estate in the Probate Court of Columbiana Ohio which is in the words and figures following to wit:
“To the Honorable James Martin, Probate Judge of Columbiana County Ohio”
Henry Walter Administrator of the Estate of Matthias Walter deceased presents his first account for settlement.
Accountant charges himself with the following assets of said estate received by him to wit:-
Cash on hands at death of intestate $12.75
Cash Collected of William Kimble on note 106.75
Cash Collected of William Kimble - Interest on same 3.95
Whole amount of assets received $123.45
Accountant claims credit for the following sums by him paid out for said estate to wit:
Paid Costs of last sickness & Administration
1854 Oct 14 Paid Appraisers voucher 1 $3.00
1855 March 30 Paid R. C. Wilson printer 2 1.00
1855 May 2 Paid D. Springer physician 3 10.00
1855 May 9 Paid Milo Warrick Coffin 4 10.00
1855 May 9 Paid M. Myers & Co. Grave Stones 5 12.00
1855 July 5 Paid Robert Dickey setting ditto 6 1.00
1854 Nov 13 Paid Treasurer taxes 7 4.55
1855 Nov 28 Paid Treasurer ditto 8 4.76
1856 March 10 Paid John Reid Probate Judge 9 4.50
TOTAL $50.81
Whole assets received $125.45
Paid preferred debts $50.81
Accountant’s fees 7.38 58.19
Balance in accountant’s hands out of $65.26
which costs of settlement to be paid.
The State of Ohio
Columbiana County
I Henry Walter on affirmation say that the foregoing contains a true statement of my administration of said Estate as I verily believe.
/S/ Henry Walter
Affirmed to and subscribed before me March 11th 1856.
Samuel W. Orr
Notary Public
3372, pp 367-8•
Estate of Matthias Walter deceasedBe it remembered that on the 14th day of May A.D.1859, Henry Walter Administrator of Matthias Walter deceased filed in the Probate Court of Columbiana County, Ohio, an account of payments made by him as such Administrator under an order of said court made on the 9th day of November A.D. 1857. On examination whereof the court finds that the payments set forth in said account have been made by said accountant as claimed by him in his account, and the same being proved to the satisfaction of the Court and verified by the oath of accountant the said account is ordered to be recorded. Which is in the words & c. following to wit:
To the Hon. James Martin, Probate Judge of the County of Columbiana Ohio.
Henry Walter Administrator of the estate of Matthias Walter presents the following vouchers for moneys paid to the distributees of said estate under the order of this Court and prays that the same be recorded:
1857 December 7th Paid Sarah Bowman in full 1 155.00
1857 December 30 " Daniel Walter in full 2 18.25
1858 Jany 2 " Isabel I. Walter in full 3 18.25
" " 10 " Sarah Walter in full 4 18.25
" " " " Plessy Foutz in full 5 18.25
" " 30 " Nancy E. Walter in full 6 18.25
" March 27 " Sarah Crawford in full 7 38.00
" June 8 " Jacob Walter in full 8 18.00
" August 18 " Mary Preston in full 9 38.00
" Oct 12 " Violet Fife in full 10 18.25
1859 Jany 1st " Susannah Roller in full 11 38.00
" May 14 " Henry Walter in full 12 155.00
Total: $551.50
The State of Ohio Columbiana County, ss.
I, Henry Walter, on affirmation say that the above sums of money were paid by me to the heirs at law of said deceased at or near the times above stated.
/s/ Henry Walter
Affirmed to & subscribed before me May 14th 1859.
Samuel W. Orr, Notary Public
Recorded May 14th 1859
James Martin, Probate Judge
3377, pp 93-4•
Estate of Matthias Walter deceasedBe it remembered that on the 31st day of July A.D. 1860 came Henry Walter Administrator of the estate of Matthias Walter deceased and filed an account of payments by him made as such Administrator which said account is as follows, to wit:
To the Judge of the Probate Court of Columbiana County Ohio, Account of payments made by Henry Walter Administrator of the estate of Matthias Walter deceased.
This accountant states that on the 9th day of November A.D. 1857 he settled his account as Administrator of said estate and at that time there was found to be a balance in his hands of money belonging to the said estate the sum of $683.12 which he was ordered to apply and dispose of according to law that afterwards on the 14th day of May 1859 he filed an account of payments in the Probate Court of said county made under and in pursuance of said order in which he was entitled to and allowed credit for the sum of $551.50 which left at that time a balance in his hands of money belonging to said estate the sum of $131.62.
Accountant here claims credit for the following payments by him made since filing said last account.
March 20, 1860 Paid Juda Grant formerly (Walter) ???1 18.25
July 31, 1860 Paid Probate Judge ???2 2.00
Total paid out 20.25
Whole amt. of assets in this a/c $131.62
Whole amt. paid out 20.25
Balance in hands of accountant $111.37 out of which costs are to be deducted.
The State of Ohio, Columbiana County, ss.
I Henry Walter, Admn, being duly affirmed say that the foregoing statement and account of payments is correct and just to the best of my knowledge and belief –
Henry Walter
Affirmed to and subscribed before me this 31st day of July A.D. 1860.
James Martin Probate Judge
Thereupon on examination of said account the Court finds that accountant is chargeable as set forth in said account with the sum of $131.62 and that he is entitled to credit as claimed by him in the sum of $20.25 and the further sum of $1.00 Judge and Clerk’s fees on said account which payments being passed to the satisfaction of the Court and verified by the oath of accountant are allowed and being deducted leaves said account indebted to said estate in the sum of $110.37 which he is ordered to dispose of according to law –
James Martin Probate Judge
3377, pp 544-5• “Regarding Page 5 of MATHIAS JOHN WALTER individual data – Plepsy Fantz is Plessy Foutz. (ps was the old way of writing double s) (refer to Columbiana County Marriage Record Volume 4, page 46, Pleasant Walter married George Foutz 07 February 1850.)
“Nitel (?) Fife is Violet Fife. A notice in the OHIO PATRIOT reads: “Friday 20 August 1847, married on the 22nd ult by Rev. A. O. Patterson, Jonathan H. Fife and Miss Violette Walters”.
Volume 10, page 898, Columbiana County Cemetery Inscriptions (published by Columbiana Chapter, OGS) shows that the said Jonathan H. Fife, age 28, died 21 February 1851; and William Fife, son of Jonathan H. and Violet died 4 April 1850, age 9 months. Both are buried in Madison Presbyterian Cemetery, Madison Township, Columbiana County, Ohio.
2267• Mathias and his wife Mary are buried in Bowman Cemetery because their son Henry married Salome Bowman and their daughter, Sarah, married Christian Bowman.